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ICU  >  Demonstrations  >  Locale Explorer > Ngôn ngữ không xác định > Tiếng Toki Pona > Tiếng Toki Pona (Thế giới)
Tiếng Toki Pona
Region / Variant
Thế giới
Thứ tự sắp xếp
Tiền tệ
Tiếng Toki Pona (Thế giới) under other languages: Tiếng Ả Rập, Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Quốc Tế Ngữ, Tiếng Khoa Học Quốc Tế
(inherited from Ngôn ngữ không xác định)This page shows the localization data for the locale listed at left. This Locale contains data for this language, as well as conventions for this particular region.
Locale Codes  

Windows Locale ID  
ICU Data Version (inherited from Ngôn ngữ không xác định) 
Locale Script  
Short NamesLong Names

Exemplar Characters (inherited from Tiếng Toki Pona) 
Rules [a e i j k l m n o p s t u w]
Set aeijklmnopstuw

Default Lịch: Lịch Gregory



#Narrow Names
(inherited from Short Names)
Short NamesLong Names
0suno esun #7suno esun #7
1suno esun #1suno esun #1
2suno esun #2suno esun #2
3suno esun #3suno esun #3
4suno esun #4suno esun #4
5suno esun #5suno esun #5
6suno esun #6suno esun #6


#Narrow Names
(inherited from Formatting type)
Short NamesLong Names
0suno esun #7suno esun #7
1suno esun #1suno esun #1
2suno esun #2suno esun #2
3suno esun #3suno esun #3
4suno esun #4suno esun #4
5suno esun #5suno esun #5
6suno esun #6suno esun #6



#Narrow Names
(inherited from Short Names)
Short NamesLong Names
0mun #1mun #1
1mun #2mun #2
2mun #3mun #3
3mun #4mun #4
4mun #5mun #5
5mun #6mun #6
6mun #7mun #7
7mun #8mun #8
8mun #9mun #9
9mun #10mun #10
10mun #11mun #11
11mun #12mun #12


#Narrow Names
(inherited from Formatting type)
Short NamesLong Names
0mun #1mun #1
1mun #2mun #2
2mun #3mun #3
3mun #4mun #4
4mun #5mun #5
5mun #6mun #6
6mun #7mun #7
7mun #8mun #8
8mun #9mun #9
9mun #10mun #10
10mun #11mun #11
11mun #12mun #12

AM & PM  
0ampi open suno
1pmpi pini suno

eras (cumulative data from parent not shown)  
#Narrow NamesShort NamesLong Names

Date & Time Patterns (inherited from Ngôn ngữ không xác định)
0Full TimeHH:mm:ss zzzz09:43:49 tenpo UTC
1Long TimeHH:mm:ss z09:43:49 UTC
2Medium TimeHH:mm:ss09:43:49
3Short TimeHH:mm09:43
4Full Datey MMMM d, EEEE2024 mun #4 28, suno esun #7
5Long Datey MMMM d2024 mun #4 28
6Medium Datey MMM d2024 mun #4 28
7Short Datey-MM-dd2024-04-28
8Date-Time pattern.
{0} = time, {1} = date
{1} {0}2024-04-28 09:43

Date and Time Options  
First day of the week: 2 ( 1=SUNDAY )
Minimal Days in First Week: 1
: (missing resource) 
Decimal Pattern#,#0.### 12 34,56
Currency Pattern¤#,#0.00 ¤12 34,56
Percent Pattern%#,#0 %12 34 56
Scientific Pattern#E0 1,23456E3
NumberPatterns4%%2d-year: 0: hundred; 1: oh-=%spellout-numbering=; 10: =%spellout-numbering=;
%spellout-numbering-year: 0: =%spellout-numbering=; 1010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 1100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 2000: =%spellout-numbering=; 2010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 2100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 3000: =%spellout-numbering=; 3010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 3100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 4000: =%spellout-numbering=; 4010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 4100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 5000: =%spellout-numbering=; 5010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 5100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 6000: =%spellout-numbering=; 6010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 6100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 7000: =%spellout-numbering=; 7010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 7100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 8000: =%spellout-numbering=; 8010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 8100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 9000: =%spellout-numbering=; 9010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 9100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 10000: =%spellout-numbering=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering-year>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; %spellout-numbering: 0: =%spellout-cardinal=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering>; Inf: infinity; NaN: not a number; %spellout-numbering-verbose: 0: =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering-verbose>; Inf: infinity; NaN: not a number; %spellout-cardinal: 0: zero; 1: one; 2: two; 3: three; 4: four; 5: five; 6: six; 7: seven; 8: eight; 9: nine; 10: ten; 11: eleven; 12: twelve; 13: thirteen; 14: fourteen; 15: fifteen; 16: sixteen; 17: seventeen; 18: eighteen; 19: nineteen; 20: twenty; 21: twenty->%spellout-cardinal>; 30: thirty; 31: thirty->%spellout-cardinal>; 40: forty; 41: forty->%spellout-cardinal>; 50: fifty; 51: fifty->%spellout-cardinal>; 60: sixty; 61: sixty->%spellout-cardinal>; 70: seventy; 71: seventy->%spellout-cardinal>; 80: eighty; 81: eighty->%spellout-cardinal>; 90: ninety; 91: ninety->%spellout-cardinal>; 100: <%spellout-cardinal< hundred; 101: <%spellout-cardinal< hundred >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000: <%spellout-cardinal< thousand; 1001: <%spellout-cardinal< thousand >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000: <%spellout-cardinal< million; 1000001: <%spellout-cardinal< million >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< billion; 1000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< billion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< trillion; 1000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< trillion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< quadrillion; 1000000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< quadrillion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=; -x: minus >%spellout-cardinal>; x.x: <%spellout-cardinal< point >%spellout-cardinal>; Inf: infinite; NaN: not a number; %%and: 1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 100: ' =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; %%commas: 1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 100: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 1001: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas>; 1000000: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; %spellout-cardinal-verbose: 0: =%spellout-numbering=; 100: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< hundred; 101: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< hundred>%%and>; 1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 1001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%and>; 100000/1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 100001/1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas>; 1000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< million; 1000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< million>%%commas>; 1000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< billion; 1000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< billion>%%commas>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< trillion; 1000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< trillion>%%commas>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< quadrillion; 1000000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< quadrillion>%%commas>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=; -x: minus >%spellout-cardinal-verbose>; x.x: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< point >%spellout-cardinal-verbose>; Inf: infinite; NaN: not a number; %%tieth: 0: tieth; 1: ty-=%spellout-ordinal=; %%th: 0: th; 1: ' =%spellout-ordinal=; %spellout-ordinal: 0: zeroth; 1: first; 2: second; 3: third; 4: fourth; 5: fifth; 6: sixth; 7: seventh; 8: eighth; 9: ninth; 10: tenth; 11: eleventh; 12: twelfth; 13: =%spellout-numbering=th; 20: twen>%%tieth>; 30: thir>%%tieth>; 40: for>%%tieth>; 50: fif>%%tieth>; 60: six>%%tieth>; 70: seven>%%tieth>; 80: eigh>%%tieth>; 90: nine>%%tieth>; 100: <%spellout-numbering< hundred>%%th>; 1000: <%spellout-numbering< thousand>%%th>; 1000000: <%spellout-numbering< million>%%th>; 1000000000: <%spellout-numbering< billion>%%th>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< trillion>%%th>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< quadrillion>%%th>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: minus >%spellout-ordinal>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; Inf: infinitieth; %%and-o: 0: th; 1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 100: ' =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; %%commas-o: 0: th; 1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 100: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>; 1000000: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; %spellout-ordinal-verbose: 0: =%spellout-ordinal=; 100: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< hundred>%%and-o>; 1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%and-o>; 100000/1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>; 1000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< million>%%commas-o>; 1000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< billion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< trillion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< quadrillion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: minus >%spellout-ordinal-verbose>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; Inf: infinitieth;
one thousand two hundred thirty-four point five six
NumberPatterns5%digits-ordinal: 0: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: −>%
1 235th
NumberPatterns6%with-words: 0: 0 seconds; 1: 1 second; 2: =0= seconds; 60/60: <%%min<; 61/60:
<%%min<, >%with-words>; 3600/60: <%%hr<; 3601/60: <%%hr<, >>>; %%min: 0: 0 minutes; 1: 1 minute; 2: =0= minutes; %%hr: 0: 0 hours; 1: 1 hour; 2: =0= hours; %in-numerals: 0: =0= sec.; 60: =%%min-sec=; 3600: =%%hr-min-sec=; %%min-sec: 0: :=00=; 60/60: <0<>%%min-sec>; %%hr-min-sec: 0: :=00=; 60/60: <00<>%%hr-min-sec>; 3600/60: <#,##0<:>>>; %duration: 0: =%in-numerals=;
NumberPatterns9¤¤#,#0.00 XXX 12 34,56
NumberPatterns10#,#0.00 ¤¤¤ 12 34,56 XXX
NumberPatterns11¤#,#0.00 ¤12 34,56
NumberPatterns12¤#,#0.00 ¤12 34,56
NumberPatterns13# 1,2K
NumberPatterns14# 1,2K
NumberPatterns15¤#,#0.00 ¤12 34,56
(Currency for tok_Latn_001: XXX)

Collation rules (inherited from Ngôn ngữ không xác định) 
+(Omitted due to size. Click here to show.)

Your settings: (click to change)
Powered by ICU 74.1
CLDR Version 44.0
lúc 09:43:49 Giờ Phối hợp Quốc tế Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 4, 2024
Timezone ID: UTC (Change)
Label Locale:
Tiếng Việt
Region / Variant
Transliteration: off
This display locale, vi, is unsupported.

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