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ICU  >  Demonstrations  >  ICU LocaleExplorer - истраживач локала > непознат језик > камба > камба (Кенија)
Земља / Варијанта
редослед сортирања
камба (Кенија) under other languages: таита, ембу, енглески, гуси, кикују, каленџински, луо, лујиа, масајски, меру, оромо, самбуру, сомалски, свахили, тесо
(наслеђен од (наслеђен од %U)Ова страница показује податке за локализацију локала наведених на левој страни. Овај локал садржи податке за овај језик, као и конвенције ове земље.
Кодови локала  

Идентификатор локала у Windows-има  
Верзија података за ICU (наслеђен од (наслеђен од %U) 
Locale Script  
Short NamesLong Names

ExemplarCharacters (наслеђен од (наслеђен од %U) 
Rules [a b c d e f g h iĩ j k l m n o p q r s t uũ v w y z]
Set abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyzĩũ

Default календар: грегоријански календар



#Narrow NamesКратка именаДуга имена
0YWkyWa kyumwa
1WWkwWa kwambĩlĩlya
2EWklWa kelĩ
3AWtũWa katatũ
4AWknWa kana
5AWtnWa katano
6AWthWa thanthatũ


#Narrow NamesКратка именаДуга имена
0YWkyWa kyumwa
1WWkwWa kwambĩlĩlya
2EWklWa kelĩ
3AWtũWa katatũ
4AWknWa kana
5AWtnWa katano
6AWthWa thanthatũ



#Narrow NamesКратка именаДуга имена
0MMbeMwai wa mbee
1KKelMwai wa kelĩ
2KKtũMwai wa katatũ
3KKanMwai wa kana
4KKtnMwai wa katano
5TThaMwai wa thanthatũ
6MMooMwai wa muonza
7NNyaMwai wa nyaanya
8KKndMwai wa kenda
9ĨĨkuMwai wa ĩkumi
10ĨĨkmMwai wa ĩkumi na ĩmwe
11ĨĨklMwai wa ĩkumi na ilĩ


#Narrow NamesКратка именаДуга имена
0MMbeMwai wa mbee
1KKelMwai wa kelĩ
2KKtũMwai wa katatũ
3KKanMwai wa kana
4KKtnMwai wa katano
5TThaMwai wa thanthatũ
6MMooMwai wa muonza
7NNyaMwai wa nyaanya
8KKndMwai wa kenda
9ĨĨkuMwai wa ĩkumi
10ĨĨkmMwai wa ĩkumi na ĩmwe
11ĨĨklMwai wa ĩkumi na ilĩ

Ознаке за пре и после подне (наслеђен од (наслеђен од %U) 
0пре поднеĨyakwakya
1после поднеĨyawĩoo

eras (cumulative data from parent not shown)  
#Narrow NamesКратка именаДуга имена
0MYMYMbee wa Yesũ
1IYIYĨtina wa Yesũ

Симболи за форматирање приказа датума и времена
0Пун формат за времеHH:mm:ss zzzz20:51:24 GMT
1Дуги формат за времеHH:mm:ss z20:51:24 UTC
2Средњи формат за времеHH:mm:ss20:51:24
3кратки формат за времеHH:mm20:51
4Пун формат за датумEEEE, d MMMM yWa katano, 26 Mwai wa kana 2024
5Дуги формат за датумd MMMM y26 Mwai wa kana 2024
6Средњи формат за датумd MMM y26 Kan 2024
7Кратки формат за датумdd/MM/y26/04/2024
8Симболи за датум и време.
{0} = време, {1} = датум
{1} {0}26/04/2024 20:51

Date and Time Options  
Први дан у недељи: 1 ( 1=SUNDAY )
Најмањи број дана у првој недељи: 1
бројеви : западне цифре  
Децимални формат#,##0.### 1,234.56
Формат валуте¤#,##0.00 Ksh 1,234.56
Формат процента#,##0% 123,456%
Научни формат#E0 1.23456E3
NumberPatterns4%%2d-year: 0: hundred; 1: oh-=%spellout-numbering=; 10: =%spellout-numbering=;
%spellout-numbering-year: 0: =%spellout-numbering=; 1010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 1100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 2000: =%spellout-numbering=; 2010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 2100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 3000: =%spellout-numbering=; 3010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 3100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 4000: =%spellout-numbering=; 4010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 4100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 5000: =%spellout-numbering=; 5010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 5100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 6000: =%spellout-numbering=; 6010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 6100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 7000: =%spellout-numbering=; 7010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 7100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 8000: =%spellout-numbering=; 8010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 8100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 9000: =%spellout-numbering=; 9010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 9100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 10000: =%spellout-numbering=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering-year>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; %spellout-numbering: 0: =%spellout-cardinal=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering>; Inf: infinity; NaN: not a number; %spellout-numbering-verbose: 0: =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering-verbose>; Inf: infinity; NaN: not a number; %spellout-cardinal: 0: zero; 1: one; 2: two; 3: three; 4: four; 5: five; 6: six; 7: seven; 8: eight; 9: nine; 10: ten; 11: eleven; 12: twelve; 13: thirteen; 14: fourteen; 15: fifteen; 16: sixteen; 17: seventeen; 18: eighteen; 19: nineteen; 20: twenty; 21: twenty->%spellout-cardinal>; 30: thirty; 31: thirty->%spellout-cardinal>; 40: forty; 41: forty->%spellout-cardinal>; 50: fifty; 51: fifty->%spellout-cardinal>; 60: sixty; 61: sixty->%spellout-cardinal>; 70: seventy; 71: seventy->%spellout-cardinal>; 80: eighty; 81: eighty->%spellout-cardinal>; 90: ninety; 91: ninety->%spellout-cardinal>; 100: <%spellout-cardinal< hundred; 101: <%spellout-cardinal< hundred >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000: <%spellout-cardinal< thousand; 1001: <%spellout-cardinal< thousand >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000: <%spellout-cardinal< million; 1000001: <%spellout-cardinal< million >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< billion; 1000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< billion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< trillion; 1000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< trillion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< quadrillion; 1000000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< quadrillion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=; -x: minus >%spellout-cardinal>; x.x: <%spellout-cardinal< point >%spellout-cardinal>; Inf: infinite; NaN: not a number; %%and: 1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 100: ' =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; %%commas: 1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 100: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 1001: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas>; 1000000: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; %spellout-cardinal-verbose: 0: =%spellout-numbering=; 100: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< hundred; 101: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< hundred>%%and>; 1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 1001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%and>; 100000/1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 100001/1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas>; 1000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< million; 1000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< million>%%commas>; 1000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< billion; 1000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< billion>%%commas>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< trillion; 1000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< trillion>%%commas>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< quadrillion; 1000000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< quadrillion>%%commas>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=; -x: minus >%spellout-cardinal-verbose>; x.x: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< point >%spellout-cardinal-verbose>; Inf: infinite; NaN: not a number; %%tieth: 0: tieth; 1: ty-=%spellout-ordinal=; %%th: 0: th; 1: ' =%spellout-ordinal=; %spellout-ordinal: 0: zeroth; 1: first; 2: second; 3: third; 4: fourth; 5: fifth; 6: sixth; 7: seventh; 8: eighth; 9: ninth; 10: tenth; 11: eleventh; 12: twelfth; 13: =%spellout-numbering=th; 20: twen>%%tieth>; 30: thir>%%tieth>; 40: for>%%tieth>; 50: fif>%%tieth>; 60: six>%%tieth>; 70: seven>%%tieth>; 80: eigh>%%tieth>; 90: nine>%%tieth>; 100: <%spellout-numbering< hundred>%%th>; 1000: <%spellout-numbering< thousand>%%th>; 1000000: <%spellout-numbering< million>%%th>; 1000000000: <%spellout-numbering< billion>%%th>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< trillion>%%th>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< quadrillion>%%th>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: minus >%spellout-ordinal>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; Inf: infinitieth; %%and-o: 0: th; 1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 100: ' =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; %%commas-o: 0: th; 1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 100: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>; 1000000: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; %spellout-ordinal-verbose: 0: =%spellout-ordinal=; 100: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< hundred>%%and-o>; 1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%and-o>; 100000/1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>; 1000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< million>%%commas-o>; 1000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< billion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< trillion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< quadrillion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: minus >%spellout-ordinal-verbose>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; Inf: infinitieth;
one thousand two hundred thirty-four point five six
NumberPatterns5%digits-ordinal: 0: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: −>%
NumberPatterns6%with-words: 0: 0 seconds; 1: 1 second; 2: =0= seconds; 60/60: <%%min<; 61/60:
<%%min<, >%with-words>; 3600/60: <%%hr<; 3601/60: <%%hr<, >>>; %%min: 0: 0 minutes; 1: 1 minute; 2: =0= minutes; %%hr: 0: 0 hours; 1: 1 hour; 2: =0= hours; %in-numerals: 0: =0= sec.; 60: =%%min-sec=; 3600: =%%hr-min-sec=; %%min-sec: 0: :=00=; 60/60: <0<>%%min-sec>; %%hr-min-sec: 0: :=00=; 60/60: <00<>%%hr-min-sec>; 3600/60: <#,##0<:>>>; %duration: 0: =%in-numerals=;
NumberPatterns9¤¤#,##0.00 KES 1,234.56
NumberPatterns10#,##0.00 ¤¤¤ 1,234.56 Silingi ya Kenya
NumberPatterns11¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) Ksh 1,234.56
NumberPatterns12¤#,##0.00 Ksh 1,234.56
NumberPatterns13# 1.2K
NumberPatterns14# 1.2K
NumberPatterns15¤#,##0.00 Ksh 1,234.56
(Currency for kam_Latn_KE: KES)

Правила за колацију (сортирање) (наслеђен од (наслеђен од %U) 
+(Изостављено због величине. Кликните овде да би приказали.)

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(кликните да би сте променили) (click to change)
Овај програм ради захваљујући ICU 74.1
CLDR Version 44.0
петак, 26. април 2024. 20:51:24 Координисано универзално време
Timezone ID: UTC (Промени)
Земља / Варијанта
Transliteration: off

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