International Components for Unicode

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This demo illustrates the International Components for Unicode localization data. The data covers two hundred sixty-eight different languages, further divided into five hundred eighty-three regions and variants. For each language, data such as days of the week, months, and their abbreviations are defined.

ICU is an open-source project.


Choose Your Locale.

Languages Regions
af af (NA)af (ZA)
agq agq (CM)
ak ak (GH)
am am (ET)
ar ar (001)ar (AE)ar (BH)ar (DJ)ar (DZ)ar (EG)ar (EH)ar (ER)ar (IL)ar (IQ)ar (JO)ar (KM)ar (KW)ar (LB)ar (LY)ar (MA)ar (MR)ar (OM)ar (PS)ar (QA)ar (SA)ar (SD)ar (SO)ar (SS)ar (SY)ar (TD)ar (TN)ar (YE)
as as (I ICU Demonstration - Locale Explorer