International Components for Unicode

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Note: You're viewing a locale that does not have verified data . ICU will support this with inherited information, but that information is not verified to be correct. [dav། (ནའུ་རུ་།)]

Please do not file bugs against this locale.

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Region / Variant
གནས་སདུད་རིམ་ སགྲིག
(inherited)This page shows the localization data for the locale listed at left. This Locale contains data for this language, as well as conventions for this particular region.
Locale Codes  

Windows Locale ID  
ICU Data Version (inherited from ཁ་ངོ་མ་ཤེསཔ) 
Locale Script  
Short NamesLong Names

Exemplar Characters  
Rules [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w y z]
Set abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwyz

Default ཟླ་ཐོ: གྲེག་གོ་རི་ཡཱན་ཟླ་ཐོ



#Narrow NamesShort NamesLong Names
JJumItuku ja jumwa
JJimKuramuka jimweri
KKawKuramuka kawi
KKadKuramuka kadadu
KKanKuramuka kana
KKasKuramuka kasanu
NNguKifula nguwo


#Narrow NamesShort NamesLong Names
JJumItuku ja jumwa
JJimKuramuka jimweri
KKawKuramuka kawi
KKadKuramuka kadadu
KKanKuramuka kana
KKasKuramuka kasanu
NNguKifula nguwo



#Narrow NamesShort NamesLong Names
IImbMori ghwa imbiri
KKawMori ghwa kawi
KKadMori ghwa kadadu
KKanMori ghwa kana
KKasMori ghwa kasanu
KKarMori ghwa karandadu
MMfuMori ghwa mfungade
WWunMori ghwa wunyanya
IIkeMori ghwa ikenda
IIkuMori ghwa ikumi
༡༠IImwMori ghwa ikumi na imweri
༡༡IIwiMori ghwa ikumi na iwi


#Narrow NamesShort NamesLong Names
IImbMori ghwa imbiri
KKawMori ghwa kawi
KKadMori ghwa kadadu
KKanMori ghwa kana
KKasMori ghwa kasanu
KKarMori ghwa karandadu
MMfuMori ghwa mfungade
WWunMori ghwa wunyanya
IIkeMori ghwa ikenda
IIkuMori ghwa ikumi
༡༠IImwMori ghwa ikumi na imweri
༡༡IIwiMori ghwa ikumi na iwi

AM & PM  
amLuma lwa K
pmluma lwa p

eras (cumulative data from parent not shown)  
#Narrow NamesShort NamesLong Names
KKKKKabla ya Kristo
BKBKBaada ya Kristo

Date & Time Patterns
Full TimeHH:mm:ss zzzz23:54:30 GMT
Long TimeHH:mm:ss z23:54:30 UTC
Medium TimeHH:mm:ss23:54:30
Short TimeHH:mm23:54
Full DateEEEE, d MMMM yKuramuka kasanu, 20 Mori ghwa ikenda 2024
Long Dated MMMM y20 Mori ghwa ikenda 2024
Medium Dated MMM y20 Ike 2024
Short Datedd/MM/y20/09/2024
Date-Time pattern.
{0} = time, {1} = date
{1} {0}20/09/2024 23:54

Date and Time Options  
First day of the week: ༢ ( ༡=SUNDAY )
Minimal Days in First Week: ༡
ཨང་ཡིག : ཕྱི་གླིང་པའི་ཨང  
Decimal Pattern#,##0.### 1,234.56
Currency Pattern¤#,##0.00 A$1,234.56
Percent Pattern#,##0% 123,456%
Scientific Pattern#E0 1.23456E3
NumberPatterns4%%2d-year: 0: hundred; 1: oh-=%spellout-numbering=; 10: =%spellout-numbering=;
%spellout-numbering-year: 0: =%spellout-numbering=; 1010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 1100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 2000: =%spellout-numbering=; 2010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 2100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 3000: =%spellout-numbering=; 3010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 3100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 4000: =%spellout-numbering=; 4010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 4100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 5000: =%spellout-numbering=; 5010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 5100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 6000: =%spellout-numbering=; 6010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 6100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 7000: =%spellout-numbering=; 7010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 7100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 8000: =%spellout-numbering=; 8010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 8100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 9000: =%spellout-numbering=; 9010/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 9100/100: <%spellout-numbering-year< >%%2d-year>; 10000: =%spellout-numbering=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering-year>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; %spellout-numbering: 0: =%spellout-cardinal=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering>; Inf: infinity; NaN: not a number; %spellout-numbering-verbose: 0: =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; -x: minus >%spellout-numbering-verbose>; Inf: infinity; NaN: not a number; %spellout-cardinal: 0: zero; 1: one; 2: two; 3: three; 4: four; 5: five; 6: six; 7: seven; 8: eight; 9: nine; 10: ten; 11: eleven; 12: twelve; 13: thirteen; 14: fourteen; 15: fifteen; 16: sixteen; 17: seventeen; 18: eighteen; 19: nineteen; 20: twenty; 21: twenty->%spellout-cardinal>; 30: thirty; 31: thirty->%spellout-cardinal>; 40: forty; 41: forty->%spellout-cardinal>; 50: fifty; 51: fifty->%spellout-cardinal>; 60: sixty; 61: sixty->%spellout-cardinal>; 70: seventy; 71: seventy->%spellout-cardinal>; 80: eighty; 81: eighty->%spellout-cardinal>; 90: ninety; 91: ninety->%spellout-cardinal>; 100: <%spellout-cardinal< hundred; 101: <%spellout-cardinal< hundred >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000: <%spellout-cardinal< thousand; 1001: <%spellout-cardinal< thousand >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000: <%spellout-cardinal< million; 1000001: <%spellout-cardinal< million >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< billion; 1000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< billion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< trillion; 1000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< trillion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal< quadrillion; 1000000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal< quadrillion >%spellout-cardinal>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=; -x: minus >%spellout-cardinal>; x.x: <%spellout-cardinal< point >%spellout-cardinal>; Inf: infinite; NaN: not a number; %%and: 1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 100: ' =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; %%commas: 1: ' and =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 100: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; 1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 1001: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas>; 1000000: , =%spellout-cardinal-verbose=; %spellout-cardinal-verbose: 0: =%spellout-numbering=; 100: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< hundred; 101: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< hundred>%%and>; 1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 1001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%and>; 100000/1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand; 100001/1000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas>; 1000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< million; 1000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< million>%%commas>; 1000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< billion; 1000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< billion>%%commas>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< trillion; 1000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< trillion>%%commas>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< quadrillion; 1000000000000001: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< quadrillion>%%commas>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=; -x: minus >%spellout-cardinal-verbose>; x.x: <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< point >%spellout-cardinal-verbose>; Inf: infinite; NaN: not a number; %%tieth: 0: tieth; 1: ty-=%spellout-ordinal=; %%th: 0: th; 1: ' =%spellout-ordinal=; %spellout-ordinal: 0: zeroth; 1: first; 2: second; 3: third; 4: fourth; 5: fifth; 6: sixth; 7: seventh; 8: eighth; 9: ninth; 10: tenth; 11: eleventh; 12: twelfth; 13: =%spellout-numbering=th; 20: twen>%%tieth>; 30: thir>%%tieth>; 40: for>%%tieth>; 50: fif>%%tieth>; 60: six>%%tieth>; 70: seven>%%tieth>; 80: eigh>%%tieth>; 90: nine>%%tieth>; 100: <%spellout-numbering< hundred>%%th>; 1000: <%spellout-numbering< thousand>%%th>; 1000000: <%spellout-numbering< million>%%th>; 1000000000: <%spellout-numbering< billion>%%th>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< trillion>%%th>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering< quadrillion>%%th>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: minus >%spellout-ordinal>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; Inf: infinitieth; %%and-o: 0: th; 1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 100: ' =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; %%commas-o: 0: th; 1: ' and =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 100: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; 1000: , <%spellout-cardinal-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>; 1000000: , =%spellout-ordinal-verbose=; %spellout-ordinal-verbose: 0: =%spellout-ordinal=; 100: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< hundred>%%and-o>; 1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%and-o>; 100000/1000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< thousand>%%commas-o>; 1000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< million>%%commas-o>; 1000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< billion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< trillion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000000: <%spellout-numbering-verbose< quadrillion>%%commas-o>; 1000000000000000000: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: minus >%spellout-ordinal-verbose>; x.x: =#,##0.#=; Inf: infinitieth;
one thousand two hundred thirty-four point five six
NumberPatterns5%digits-ordinal: 0: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$; -x: −>%
NumberPatterns6%with-words: 0: 0 seconds; 1: 1 second; 2: =0= seconds; 60/60: <%%min<; 61/60:
<%%min<, >%with-words>; 3600/60: <%%hr<; 3601/60: <%%hr<, >>>; %%min: 0: 0 minutes; 1: 1 minute; 2: =0= minutes; %%hr: 0: 0 hours; 1: 1 hour; 2: =0= hours; %in-numerals: 0: =0= sec.; 60: =%%min-sec=; 3600: =%%hr-min-sec=; %%min-sec: 0: :=00=; 60/60: <0<>%%min-sec>; %%hr-min-sec: 0: :=00=; 60/60: <00<>%%hr-min-sec>; 3600/60: <#,##0<:>>>; %duration: 0: =%in-numerals=;
NumberPatterns9¤¤#,##0.00 AUD 1,234.56
NumberPatterns10#,##0.00 ¤¤¤ 1,234.56 Dola ya Australia
NumberPatterns11¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) A$1,234.56
NumberPatterns12¤#,##0.00 A$1,234.56
NumberPatterns13# 1.2K
NumberPatterns14# 1.2K
NumberPatterns15¤#,##0.00 A$1,234.56
(Currency for dav_Latn_NR: AUD)

Collation rules (inherited from ཁ་ངོ་མ་ཤེསཔ) 
+(Omitted due to size. Click here to show.)

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Powered by ICU 74.1
CLDR Version 44.0
གཟའ་སྤེན་པ་, སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༤ ཟླ་དགུ་པ་ ཚེས་༢༠ ཆུ་ཚོད་ ༡༡ སྐར་མ་ ༥༤:༣༠ ཕྱི་ཆ་ ཇི་ཨེམ་ཊི་
Timezone ID: UTC (Change)
Label Locale:
Region / Variant
Transliteration: off
This display locale, dz, is unsupported.

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Please do not file bugs against this locale.